Man Brings Real Gun to Airsoft

Man Brings Real Gun to Airsoft

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  1. This is incredibly dumb story, and so bear with me.

    Two groups of guys were having airsoft battle not far from Prague.

    A guy (apparently off-duty police officeholder) had his private concealed carry firearm with him. He lost it in the rut of the battle.

    Another player found it lying in the grass. He thought it is an airsoft gun then he took it and used it - shooting another man direct in the chest.

    To make it fifty-fifty worse the shooter was the victim'south brother. The victim was airlifted to infirmary and his status is unknown every bit of writing of this postal service.

    Some links (pictures, video - for text employ google translate):


  2. They must brand airsoft guns different overseas. I have airsoft guns modeled off my bear weapons and they are very easy to tell apart.
  3. Snejdarek

    A tragic error to say the least. The off-duty policeman never should take had his CCW with him when they were doing their airsoft thing. Should have locked it upwardly in his car and left it there until they were done.

  4. Englishmn
    • Contributing Member

    Englishmn Member

    Feb 25, 2017
    I have a Glock 19 airsoft accident dorsum that looks and weighs same equally a empty real 19 only way information technology looks dissimilar is if you look closely you can meet the brass 6mm barrel inside of the metallic fake barrel.
    Field strips aforementioned every bit real.
  5. At that place is a range non too far away that also offers paintball and airsoft games. As a paintball player I detect the idea bloodcurdling. In that location are airsoft guns - and fifty-fifty paintball guns to a lesser extent in the RAP4 series - that look and experience no different than a existent gun. At that place is no need to create an atmosphere where real and not-lethal weapons take the potential to mix.
  6. The poll question was would I take my CCW with me to such an activity. I absolutely would, I take information technology everywhere. I would not still, keep information technology on me while engaging in such an activity. Mistakes happen fashion besides easily.
  7. Why was someone wearing a comport slice during a game of air soft?
  8. Conveying it during the game seems as a recipe for disaster.

    Leaving it in the car would be illegal.

    Under Czech police a firearm must be at all times kept in a way that prevents theft or misuse. Cars are considered objects that are too easily cleaved into.


    According to the latest info the victim should survive. He was shot close to the heart, simply the bullet went straight through without causign harm other than a clean hole.

    Expanding armament is forbidden for cocky defence force apply in the Czechia. Most people behave SP ammo that doesn't have sufficient speed to expand in man body when fired from a pistol, but at least deforms when it hits a wall instead of bouncing back like FMJ would.

  10. LoonWulf
    • Contributing Fellow member

    LoonWulf Contributing Member

    We accept the same dominion here, no CC either lol.

    Given the circumstances I would have left my pistol at dwelling house.

  11. Englishmn
    • Contributing Fellow member

    Englishmn Fellow member

    Feb 25, 2017
    Seems similar y'all could go a bolt in vehicle safe.
    But depends on interpation of law.

    I am happy it wasn't a fatal accident. Personally I would have to either leave it at dwelling house or stop playing airsoft.

  12. Ouch...

    What virtually other measures like unloading the gun and leaving the magazine in the car? Or even leaving a crucial office of the gun in the car like the slide. Would that be permissible?

  13. Geez. That makes it tougher. I would probable go out the gun at abode, OR keep the gun on me as required past police force just get out the ammo in the car. Much like when I dry burn practice I go on existent ammo in a dissimilar room or locked cabinet.

    Glad to hear the victim should survive, however such a terrible tragedy for all involved.

  14. Play paintball and ever lock my carry upward and if for some reason I didn't desire to or couldn't lock it up I'd just leave information technology at dwelling. If I had to carry for some reason I'd probably go with some sort of push push holster and effigy out a thumb break equally well. Manner to easy to loose stuff on that field.
  15. Legally - frame, slide and barrel are considered main parts of a gun. If apart each has to exist treated as split up role of a gun. Each is registered, so you lot can't get away with losing them/having them stolen from auto.

    Rounds fall under same set of rules of storage every bit guns but those are not registered so leaving those in the auto seems every bit a meliorate option, fifty-fifty though it would technically be a misdemeanor.

  16. UPDATE

    • The victim was realeased from infirmary and is regaining his health from home.
    • Firearm used was Colt 1911 .45 ACP.
    Theohazard and CLP similar this.
  17. I voted no. Czech Commonwealth is a prophylactic country and then firearms don't demand to be carried everywhere.
  18. Information technology'southward good to hear the victim is ok. A bonus for united states of america is that if anyone is considering non-JHP ammo he/she can exist directed to this topic. Information technology is a blessing yet JHP was not nowadays in this particular scenerio.
  19. That's really unfortunate. Also really easily avoidable.

    Glad he is recovering.

  20. Sounds like some of the fools I meet at my indoor range all the time. I thought you would only see that stupidity in America. Seems stupid runs in different countries too.
  21. At gun ranges in Us loftier quality bullet resistant vest is as important as ear and heart protection.
  22. As a shooter and ex paintball histrion, I'm somewhat uncomfortable with the utter realistic nature of high end airsoft replicas. They look and feel exactly the same equally the existent bargain. I just personally think that its unwise to point a replica gun at some other person, airsoft OR nonfiring. Some idiots going to go shot (by a real bullet) while waving an airsoft replica around...
  23. two years ago my daughter was doing a study abroad course in Prague. On the manner to school ane day someone tried to strong arm her and steal by force the wallet in her pocket. Czech republic may be a safe state generally, but there is no guarantee anywhere will exist condom at all times. Luckily i have taught her some street self defence force, i learned growing upward, and she came out on summit.
  24. Englishmn
    • Contributing Member

    Englishmn Fellow member

    February 25, 2017
    Stupid is universal.

    Off the airsoft field yous better treat them as real guns. The law won't ask if its airsoft they will merely shoot you.

    Finally took a couple pics of a airsoft and real one.

    IMG_20181105_122802.jpg IMG_20181105_122749.jpg IMG_20181105_123539.jpg

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Man Brings Real Gun to Airsoft

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